Men and women in accounting. Men and women

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Why is an accountant more often a woman than a man?

A significant part of our readers are accountants.

Moreover, the editors remember that the vast majority of people in this profession are women.

Why is an accountant more often a woman than a man, and what is the difference between a male accountant and a female accountant?

We asked this question to our readers. And this is what they answered:

Nina BEZRUKOVA, chief accountant of JV "Tulip":

Initially, an accountant was not a male, but a purely female profession. And that's why. Accounting is painstaking, routine work, and men do not like routine work. The legal framework is growing by leaps and bounds. Last year alone, the government issued 1,700 documents. Of these, a significant part is directly related to accounting and taxation.

Only a female accountant can work within the framework of such regulated and sometimes contradictory legislation, and hourly check the work of an enterprise with its requirements. Men do it worse - they are less diligent.

And men also lack basic responsibility - their low earnings do not dispose them to it. Men can only be responsible for something for a lot of money. In my opinion, a man becomes an accountant only out of despair.

And an accountant is an extreme profession. He lives in a state of constant anticipation of trouble. All kinds of audits, including the tax inspection, really hit the nerves - not all men can endure this! Maybe that’s why over the past three years I haven’t seen a single male accountant, except perhaps the heads of accounting teams, again, consisting of women...

Valentina TITOVETS, Deputy Chief Accountant of the International Center for Integration Information - Public Press Center of the Press House:

If the head of an enterprise wants to hire a male accountant, he should know that he can fail the job. I worked as an accountant for many years. Over all these years, I managed to meet only one male accountant. He could not sit still - he kept walking along the corridor, smoking, worrying, feeling out of place, saying that such monotonous work could make him go wild.

On top of that, a male accountant is not known for his hard work. But women are characterized by perseverance, hard work, and the ability to overcome themselves so as not to give up routine work that is necessary for the enterprise.

This does not mean that men are somehow worse than women. In my opinion, men are well versed in market processes, for example, in pricing policy, so they show themselves as economists, workers in economic planning departments, financiers, etc.

Galina YAKUBOVSKAYA, chief accountant of Belbusinesspress CJSC:

I believe that men are a class above women in any field of activity. They have a common sense, analytical mind. They are even visually perceived better than female accountants. It’s one thing if a respectable man in a suit and tie decisively came into the office to resolve an issue. And quite another thing - a woman quietly entered, and even if she is a modest person by nature!

At the same time, I believe that both men and women can be professionals in accounting. Unfortunately, our companies often employ simply illiterate accountants who, in fact, are not able to correctly issue an invoice or calculate VAT. Sometimes up to 50% of invoices received by CJSC are filled out incorrectly. They say the computer made a mistake. And who will answer to the tax office - a computer?!

The thing is that people often come into our profession who have barely completed accounting courses and studied an accounting computer program, who take on the duties of a chief accountant.

After working for a year or two in one company, they undertake to do accounting in a second or third. As a result, such accountants fail to complete their work. To avoid this, business managers need to remember that candidates for the position of chief accountant must have a full-fledged higher accounting education and have at least 5 years of experience as an accountant. Accounting courses can be compared to grade zero at school.

Zinaida PROTASENYA, chief accountant of the Darlaid company:

Despite the fact that our work is related to numbers, calculations, and things that are generally close to men, male accountants are extremely rare.

Probably because this job is too sedentary. It takes a lot of patience, organization and perseverance. These qualities, in my opinion, are more characteristic of the weaker sex.

Personally, I don’t regret for a second that I chose this profession. For me, my work is a big creative process and constant training of abilities.

Tatiana NAUMOVICH, accountant, RUE "Trading House Belkhlebproduct":

Our profession is a constant tension (God forbid we make a mistake!) and concentration, because the work is connected with money. And women are probably better at it. They are more responsible and attentive... Despite the apparent “dryness” of the profession, it is diverse and quite interesting. I like her.

Natalya MOSKALEVA, accountant of a private store:

In the understanding of men, this is not the most prestigious and highly paid job. Men are leaders. They strive for leadership positions in areas where there is prospects for career and professional growth. When I was in college, we only had two college boys.

And unlike the girls, who consciously chose this profession, the boys followed the wishes of their parents. I like my profession. I chose her to match myself: in life I am just as precise, self-possessed, and punctual.

Antonina LYUTSKO, accountant of the Darida enterprise:

There are few men in our profession, because the work is quite difficult.

Little free time. Everything has to be thoroughly calculated, recalculated, double-checked: sometimes it is difficult to find specific answers to specific questions. Which is caused, in my opinion, by some irregularities in the legislation, in particular in taxation.

Irina SHTYRKOVA, chief accountant of Yukola-auto:

This is how things are only with us. In the West, there are a lot of men among accountants. Apparently, our men (no offense to them) do not like work that involves scrupulousness and hyper-perseverance. They prefer to put forward ideas and look for performers for them. Perhaps a factor such as upbringing also plays a role. After all, in most families, women-mothers are in charge of finances; boys see this from childhood.

And they absorb into themselves from a young age that a woman should deal with financial issues.

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The most expensive car. Bugatti Type 41 Royal Sports Coupe. The highest price recorded for a used car was $15 million, the price Kellner paid for a 1931 Bugatti Type 41 Royal Sports Coupe, sold on April 12, 1990.
The tallest man of whom there is reliable evidence was Robert Pershing Wadlow, born in 1918 in Alton, PC. Illinois, USA. When his height was measured for the last time on June 27, 1940, it was 2.72 m with an arm span of 2.88 m. His maximum weight recorded on the day of adulthood (21 years old) reached 222.7 kg. Until his last day he continued to grow, and by the day of his death on July 15, 1940, his height could well have reached 2.74 m.
The fastest armored tracked reconnaissance vehicle is the British Scorpion. With a payload of 75%, it can reach a speed of 80 km/h.
The largest passenger hydrofoils are the three 165-tonne Supramar PTS 150 MK III. They carry 250 passengers at a speed of 74 km/h (40 knots), sailing along the Øre Strait between Malmö, Sweden, and Copenhagen, Denmark.

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Those who often visit the tax office can clearly answer the question of who is more numerous among accountants - women or men. The bulk of accounting workers who come there are women, and today in Russia the accounting profession, according to the prevailing stereotype, is considered female. But is this really so? And can a man be an accountant?

As it was before

Despite the current state of affairs, history says that the founders of accounting science were men. The first mention of the basic principles of accounting was made in a scientific treatise in 1494, the author of which, Fra Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli, spoke about the balance sheet, debit, credit and double entry system.

However, historically, in those days almost all professions were male. Today, specialties have begun to be divided by gender.

As it is now

Today, about 94% of accountants are women. Perhaps the transformation of the accounting profession into a female one occurred due to the need to fill out thick accounting books with neat handwriting, or perhaps bookkeeping simply did not require the application of great physical strength.

One way or another, meeting a male accountant today is rare. And there are reasons for this.
First of all, the very essence of accounting comes down to the meticulous collection and sorting of a large number of papers. A more patient woman handles this better.

And accounting departments today are still more often all-female teams. From a psychological point of view, it can be very difficult for a man to “survive” in such a team.

However, in fact, male accountants still exist, and there are not so few of them. Most often, they occupy leadership positions and become chief accountants. By the way, this is another reason why men do not stay long among ordinary accounting employees. Due to the inherent desire to make a career, men most often view work as an accountant as a springboard to higher and more senior positions in the company. Through an ordinary accountant, they strive to get into the positions of chief accountant, financial director and other management positions.

A male accountant, having taken the position of head of a department, will nevertheless strive to further his career. A woman as a chief accountant will most likely remain with the company for a longer period.

Future trends

Today, accounting is as close as possible to Western accounting standards. And this dictates its own rules - after all, in the West today there are much more male accountants than women. Therefore, companies introducing Western-style accounting are more willing to invite male specialists.

The fact is that the difference between Western accounting and Russian accounting is its proximity to the financial management of the company. In essence, an accountant in the West is a financial analyst of an enterprise. And this attracts male representatives to the profession.

If we take into account the trends of recent years, it is quite possible that Russian accounting, even if it does not become a purely “male business,” will in any case significantly expand the ranks of its “adepts” with male accountants.

Mezentseva Vasilisa

Professor Ya.V. Sokolov (1938-2010) never tired of repeating that any business, and accounting was the business of his whole life, is, first of all, people. People, as you know, are divided into women and men. There is no escape from this, and it inevitably has an impact on our professional lives. Everyday and professional wisdom, according to Professor Sokolov, is to, without denying the objective differences between women and men, understand them and try to turn them into benefits for both. This is what this article brings to your attention.

Life in accounting involves constant professional and everyday problems. Accounting departments can be staffed either by men alone (that was a long time ago), or by women alone (nowadays quite often), or by women and men (it happens).

Men and women

It is believed, according to the scientific organization of labor, that if in an office building, now they say an office, a man and women or men and a woman are seated together, then more than 50% of intimate topics will be automatically removed from conversations, while more than 90% of obscene words will not be heard in employee conversations.

This circumstance alone indicates the importance of gender issues in business life.

The fact is that people, for the most part, live in families. And this is very good. It was once believed that the husband was the breadwinner, and the wife was the mistress of the family. In old St. Petersburg there were many Germans - Russian Germans. But in our society they did not really respect the Germans, but they did good to German women. (Leo Tolstoy knew what he was doing when he chose a bride.) It was believed that they held in high esteem the three Ks - kierche, kinder, kuche, that is, they respect, honor and lovingly fulfill three duties - go to church, raise children and perfectly preparing. For all that, German women were famous for their neatness, cleanliness and diligence. They did not engage in politics and did not meddle in men's affairs.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, everything has changed: women began to smoke. It was a challenge. The laws of nature were opposed to the law of social equality. Feminists appeared. They believed that the signs of attention that men show to the fair sex: giving up a seat, kissing a hand, passing on the road or when entering and leaving - all these are insults that humiliate women. In the USA, sometimes, let’s say, you give up your seat to a woman on the subway, she will be offended and refuse, if you kiss her hand, she will kiss your hand in return, etc., etc. In our country, thank God, until this did not happen, our women love March 8, value men because they know February 23, but they also respect and defend the principles of equality.

They have every reason and even rights for this.

A woman is incomparably more hardworking than a man and, of course, no more stupid than him. A man is lazier, he is always thinking about how to avoid work. The best example: while a woman was running the house, she had to wash clothes. That's what she did. Then equality came, and she told her husband: work! He couldn’t avoid it, especially if she was no longer the breadwinner, but he didn’t want to work either. Instead, he began to invent something and created a washing machine. The result: he was a couch potato and remained that way.

Work in accounting

Look at the man and woman in the accounting department. These are different people. The woman is full of energy. She is often late on time, often forgets that she needs to leave early, she has a lot of things to do: the laundry hasn’t been washed, her husband is sick, her daughter is upset, and her mother-in-law is also making her nervous.

It carries out its current accounting work automatically, quickly and, as a rule, technically well. At the same time, she has no love for invoices, invoices and order journals. Very often she says: “My children will not work in accounting.” However, this does not prevent you from sending your child to the Faculty of Accounting and Economics.

Not like a man. When he comes to work, he thinks for a long time: “Why? for what?". Then he begins to lay out the papers and slowly figure out what to do with them. (On this occasion, you can read the wonderful stories of V.M. Shukshin.) Compared to women, labor productivity is insignificant and the results of labor are not brilliant.

But men have their advantages. The main thing worth noting here is the ability to understand what is important, what is essential.

Here are examples from life.

Large regional meeting of accountants. Of course, all accountants are women. The head of the event asks those gathered to sign the address to the hero of the day, the oldest chief accountant - a pensioner: colleagues express their love for the honored representative of our profession. All the women refuse, saying: “Nobody authorized us to sign such documents.” The next day, the manager toured a few chief accountants - men, and they signed with great calm. Nobody objected.

Even more revealing is how a woman and a man sign real documents.

Women are more afraid of signing than men. The author of the article had to observe how different chief accountants signed documents. Almost everyone I saw reads the text, but the reaction is noticeably different. The woman reads temperamentally, she signs some documents reluctantly and with disappointment, but some, which she thinks are incorrect, cause her an emotional outburst; she not only does not sign, she crumples them and throws them in the trash bin. After some time, the boss calls her and, using modern and very convincing vocabulary, demands that she sign the documents. The woman experiences fear and hatred. She pulls out the discarded documents, smooths them out, sighs heavily and signs them.

A man acts differently. He slowly reads through the entire stack of documents. He sets aside one or two that seem to him to be dubious, and mechanically signs all the rest. When his boss calls him, the chief accountant explains the absurdity of filling out these documents and tells him how to rewrite them. The boss likes it. He begins to love people of our profession.

How to distribute work

It can be divided according to three main principles: according to what is more convenient for the employees themselves, or according to purely theoretical principles (according to science), or so that it is more difficult for people to work. All of these approaches can be found.

If we talk about female chief accountants, they mostly prefer the first option: everyone is busy, everyone is busy, everyone is still not happy, but they tolerate everything. But there are women with hidden sadistic inclinations: having taken offense at one of their subordinates, as a rule, also women, they begin to assign them obviously either absurd or impossible work. Men, in principle, also prefer the first option, and resort to the third only deliberately when it is necessary to fire an employee who does not want to quit. He gives her work that she cannot do, and she is systematically instilled with an inferiority complex. She will leave. As for the second option, women, as a rule, do not accept it, and men sometimes resort to it: either they are big dreamers, constantly forgetting about the real people with whom they work, or they are far advanced administrators. In the latter case, usually planning mass layoffs, they invite some experts in NOT - the scientific organization of labor. The invitees come up with a project that provides for an increase in labor productivity and a reduction in n% of staff. The team is terrified. Layoffs begin, and when unsympathetic workers find themselves on the street, rationalization ends.

What's the point? 90% of US wealth belongs to women. But they earned very little of it. These are funds that they received from fathers, husbands, friends, brothers, sons and nephews. And the point is not that these women are mentally retarded from their relatives. The fact is that, according to the laws of nature, a woman is psychologically poor at calculating risk. The best example is the stock exchange. You don’t need to spend any special physical effort, just buy and sell securities. But the woman initially, afraid of risk, buys weakly and, realizing the lost profit, is upset. Then she, angry as in the case with the papers, begins to feverishly throw herself into all serious situations and, in resentment and excitement, loses everything.

These qualities are reflected in practical accounting work in that a woman always chooses: a) her usual working methods; b) does not like to participate in all discussions; and bases his actions on the principle of economy of action. But if a female chief accountant initiates an accounting reform, fortunately this happens rarely, it can turn into a disaster for the entire team.

Women, even foreigners, find it more difficult than men to arrive on time. A man likes to talk and think more, and sometimes this helps matters.


Many readers probably thought that the author considers men to be better accountants than women. This is wrong. We just have to understand that it's not about whether a man or a woman is, but about what kind of man and what kind of woman. Yet the best men and women should complement each other, not hinder each other. Men do many things better than women, but women can do a job so well that men will only be jealous.

From here one thing is clear: it is important for the chief accountant, whether a woman or a man, to be able to distribute work well.

And everyone will be happy.

Close the reports, forget all the postings,
Leave all balances, accounts, turnover.
Put on your best outfit quickly,
Celebrate your birthday!

I want to wish you great happiness
It covered you completely overnight,
And so that the magic fish of fate
Fulfilled all your dreams at once!

I wish you to live your life in openwork,
How to skim bonuses.
Desired to be, always loved,
You don’t know adversity and sorrow.

Let happiness be debit
And with it health and success.
Still, the balance is always lucky,
So that you are the best.

Of course, you are a great accountant,
Well, she’s also beautiful and smart in everything.
May everything be wonderful in your life,
Let your home be a full cup.

Let the mood be cheerful,
All kinds of ideas bring you success.
Happy birthday to you!
Let joy, warmth and laughter surround you.

Don't stress today
Enjoy a wonderful day.
Throw the reports aside
Tables, numbers and calculations.

Relax and have fun,
Bask in congratulations.
Be joyful, happy,
Sweet, affectionate, beloved.

Be surrounded by goodness
In all calculations it is only correct.
Accountant, happy birthday,
Congratulations with respect.

Congratulations to a first-class accountant, a responsible employee and simply a charming, kind woman. We wish you successful reports so that debit and credit do not disturb your peace with their “disagreements.” We wish you respect among colleagues and superiors. We wish you well-being and understanding among your family and friends. Let life be easy and joyful, and let every new day play with new bright colors.

You cleverly compose tables,
And you fill them out without difficulty,
You will bring debit and credit together,
And wipe anyone's nose!

Queen in her kingdom
Life is bright and beautiful,
Happiness, joy, goodness,
Let your dream come true!

Don't let the numbers drive you crazy
And lucky in all matters,
And let there be no mistakes,
Fear does not torment the soul!

Happy Birthday! Good luck,
Nerves as strong as a rope,
And a huge salary,
Enough for a diamond!

Such complex matter
All this accounting of yours,
Here you need to be so careful,
Leisurely, thorough!

I wish you to always be successful,
Balance sheet, reports, numbers to win.
This requires two tons of skills.
I wish him! Happy birthday!

There are numbers and reports everywhere,
I already want to rest,
At this very moment
Your birthday is coming!

Relax, have fun,
Don't be lazy to smile
We sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you complete happiness!

You are an excellent accountant,
You can calculate everything without difficulty,
Always alright, no doubt
All documents and bills!

We are very happy to congratulate you,
You are wonderful, no matter how you look at it,
May all adversity and obstacles
They will disappear from your path!

Today is your birthday
All reports - away, down!
We will use numbers
To insert them into your wishes.

We don’t want 100 rubles,
And we wish you 100 friends,
And rubles are like a TRILLION,
May it last longer.

So that for life - ONE husband -
Your master, sir.
And so that, as in the song, red roses
He brought you a MILLION!