Is it possible for pregnant women to wear heels - features of shoes for expectant mothers. Can pregnant women walk in heels? Can pregnant women walk in high soles?

I am in my third month of pregnancy. Since I am a lover of heels, I would like to know for sure whether it is possible to wear heels during pregnancy, until what period can you wear them and what kind of shoes should a pregnant woman have, in principle?

Pregnancy and heels – to walk or not to walk?

Thank you for writing. Many women like to wear high-heeled shoes - it gives them grace, slimness, and femininity. Pregnancy, of course, is not a disease, but you need to take care of yourself during this period. Therefore, long-term walking in heels is undesirable.

Are all heels covered by this ban? Walking in high-heeled shoes is undesirable because:

  • the center of gravity changes;
  • The muscles and blood vessels of the legs and pelvis are overstrained, and the spine suffers. As a result, discomfort in the legs may occur; read more about this in the article Pain in the legs during pregnancy >>>;
  • The support is on the forefoot, and not on the entire foot.

The gait of a woman in an interesting position is quite rightly called a “duck walk”, since due to the growing belly, the center of gravity shifts forward and the back involuntarily leans back, the steps become small, the woman seems to waddle from side to side.

If you also wear heels, it will look at least ridiculous and comical. In addition, it can lead to problems such as:

  1. Back pain;
  2. Calf cramps;
  3. The risk of varicose veins will increase;
  4. Swelling and pain in the legs.

The influence of heels on pregnancy

A pregnant woman’s center of gravity already shifts forward, and when a woman puts on high heels, the situation gets significantly worse:

  • Given that not only the center of gravity changes, but also the fulcrum, the stomach “goes” forward, stretches down, as a result of which the position of the uterus changes;
  • Wearing such shoes provokes a change in the position of the fetus in the womb and the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen (read more about stretch marks in the article Stretch marks during pregnancy >>>);
  • Excessive pressure on the uterus may appear and there is a risk of miscarriage;
  • In the third trimester of pregnancy, wearing shoes with heels can provoke premature labor, and due to the incorrect position of the fetus, even cause surgical intervention during childbirth;
  • At any time during pregnancy, you may suddenly feel unwell, and in such shoes it is very easy to fall, thereby harming yourself and the baby. The consequences of such a fall can be disastrous.

Heels in early pregnancy

There is also a situation when a woman leads a normal lifestyle, running around in heels all day long, not realizing that she is pregnant.

If you are reading these lines, feel well, the doctor does not prescribe you bed rest, then your wearing of heels has absolutely no effect on your pregnancy. There is no reason to worry.

Important! The first trimester of pregnancy is the most vulnerable and the risk of miscarriage is very high. You need to be extremely careful, attentive and careful.

But sometimes you just need to put on heels (maybe some important event in your life) - what to do? Pregnancy is not a disease and you should not give up the delights of life completely and categorically. Of course, you can wear heels, but you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. You cannot stay in it for a long time (stand, walk);
  2. The shoes should have a comfortable last;
  3. It is worth ensuring the opportunity to change shoes to more comfortable ones at any time.

Should you give up heels completely?

The most accurate answer to this question is given by orthopedists. It is recommended not to go from one extreme to another. Wearing shoes with heels is not only possible, but also necessary. Strange, you might think? There is nothing strange, because heels are different.

  • It is forbidden to wear shoes with high heels and stiletto heels, but wide, stable heels are welcome. In addition, flat-soled shoes are also harmful.

What kind of shoes should a pregnant woman wear?

  1. It is preferable to buy shoes exclusively from natural materials so that they are as comfortable and comfortable to wear as possible, do not press, do not rub, and hold the heel firmly;
  2. During pregnancy, the most suitable time to try on shoes is the second half of the day, since at this time women often experience swelling in their feet;

Pregnancy is a wonderful period in the life of every woman. Enjoy your position. If you want to wear heels, wear them, but everything should be in moderation. Take care of yourself and your child.

It is always important for a woman to look impressive and beautiful. Even when in a position, many representatives of the fair sex try not to give up their positions and continue to wear fashionable dresses and elegant shoes. For some, giving up high-heeled shoes seems completely unthinkable. It is important to set priorities here: first, the health of the expectant mother and child, and only then elegance and beauty. We will mainly talk about high heels - stiletto heels, with which many beauties “pierce” the hearts of men, gracefully parading through the streets. In this article, we will try to weigh the pros and cons of high heels.

Both for pregnant women and for everyone else, there are a number of rules and restrictions regarding shoes with stiletto heels or high platforms. According to gynecologists and orthopedists, frequent wearing of shoes with heels at least 7 centimeters high is harmful for the following reasons:

  • the shape of the foot changes: improperly distributed load leads to outward displacement of the bone of the big toe;
  • proper blood circulation through the vessels and capillaries in the muscles and ligaments of the feet is disrupted;
  • The gait changes, the center of gravity shifts, which increases the load on the spine and pelvic region.
  • increased pressure on the veins of the legs;
  • the circulation of fluids in the pelvic organs deteriorates;
  • swelling of the limbs occurs.

Agree that such contraindications are undesirable for anyone, especially for those in a position. Moreover, during pregnancy, changes occur in the female body that only aggravate the harmful factors of high heels.

Hairpins in early pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, when a woman may not be aware of her “interesting situation,” wearing stiletto heels or a high platform does not seem so dangerous. But is it?

On the one hand, the influence of all the “charms” of the 2nd and 3rd trimesters has not yet set in and the additional burden on the body is not yet felt. In this regard, the contraindications remain the same as for non-pregnant women.

On the other hand, the danger posed by toxicosis should be taken into account. During this period of time, a sudden feeling of nausea, darkening of the eyes and dizziness may occur. Heels in such a situation can cause significant injury not only to the mother, but also to the unborn child.

Important! The first trimester is the most responsible and important period for maintaining pregnancy. During it, the risk of miscarriage is increased. You need to be extremely careful and attentive.

This does not mean that heels during pregnancy are strictly prohibited. If there is any holiday or special event coming up, do not deny yourself the pleasure of showing off in your favorite shoes.

In the initial stages, it is allowed to wear high-heeled shoes, but you should follow these rules:

  1. You can’t walk in such shoes for a long time;
  2. shoes should have a comfortable last;
  3. In case your health worsens, take with you a spare pair of more comfortable shoes.

Ladies in this position should not be discouraged by giving up their favorite shoes, which “got so well with the handbag and that dress.” Over the course of several months, a pregnant woman's wardrobe will still have to change, so it will be possible to choose the appropriate shoes.

Studs in the later stages

Changes in hormonal levels affect the entire body. In particular, joints and ligaments soften and become elastic. Add to this the increased body weight (especially in the third trimester) and understand that heels are a death sentence for the ankle joint. The increased load on the foot in such conditions will lead to rapid deformation. This will increase the likelihood of dislocations, sprains and other injuries to this part of the body.

Starting from the 2nd trimester, the weight of the fetus makes itself felt. For the expectant mother, the load on the lower back increases significantly due to the heavy belly. And by wearing elegant high-heeled shoes, the fashionista puts even more strain on her long-suffering back. Such loads do not pass without leaving a mark on the body. Even if by some miracle a woman avoids pinched nerves or displaced intervertebral discs, this can affect her health in the future.

The above arguments are just the tip of the iceberg. For those expectant mothers who are not convinced by them, here are a number of other good reasons to give up stilettos.

What other risks do high-heeled shoes pose for pregnant women?

  • the risk of tripping and falling increases significantly, and this is fraught with serious injuries that can even lead to miscarriage;
  • the back and abdominal muscles are overstrained, which leads to constant toning of the uterus, which also risks miscarriage;
  • the load on the veins increases significantly, which can lead to the development of varicose veins;
  • guaranteed swelling of the lower extremities: a pregnant woman’s body is already prone to edema, as it retains more water than usual;
  • a change in gait can lead to a change in the position of the fetus, which will be an indication for cesarean section;
  • the tone of the abdominal muscles decreases, and this is a direct path to unaesthetic stretch marks;
  • the level of vibrations that reverberate, including into the uterus, increases, which tones it and increases the risk of miscarriage;
  • finally, the expanding belly changes the gait to a “duck” one, which makes a pregnant woman in heels awkward.

Such risks are caused not only by stiletto heels, but also by a high platform. Although it seems more comfortable and stable, this is a misleading idea. The only advantage of the platform is protection from the cold in winter.

Therefore, answering the question whether women in advanced pregnancy can wear high-heeled shoes, let’s say a firm “no”!

Until what stage of pregnancy can you wear heels?

Sometimes it’s hard for an expectant mother to immediately give up her favorite stilettos. It takes some time to get used to low-heeled models, so you can continue to wear high heels for the first few weeks, gradually weaning yourself off them. But if you feel dizzy, you should stop wearing such shoes immediately.

What kind of heels are acceptable?

Up to this point, we were talking about high heels (more than 7 centimeters). But what about shoes with low heels?

Doctors do not recommend rushing from one extreme to another and switching to completely flat soles. Low-slung ballet shoes can also lead to swelling of the legs, and increasing weight coupled with softened joints will lead to flat feet.

It would be better to choose shoes with low heels (up to 5 centimeters). The main condition is that the heel must be wide and have good grip on the surface.

How to choose shoes for a pregnant woman

The modern market offers a wide range of shoes for every taste and occasion. Having a high stiletto heel or platform is not at all necessary to look elegant and stylish. When choosing shoes for pregnancy, you need to consider the following:

  • shoes should be comfortable and stable;
  • it is advisable to choose natural materials;
  • choose shoes that are sized so that they fit your feet well and do not dangle;
  • give preference to models with a round toe, this will reduce pressure during swelling of the legs;
  • choose summer shoes with ventilation;
  • take winter shoes with a wide and soft top so that the veins are less compressed;
  • Try to choose a textured, anti-slip sole in winter shoes;
  • the heel should not be higher than 4-5 centimeters;
  • for the last trimesters, choose shoes that are easy to put on and fasten, because your tummy will interfere with lacing;
  • It is better not to consider shoes with flat soles, as they can cause swelling and flat feet;
  • It is better to choose and try on shoes after lunch, when swelling of the feet usually occurs.

To summarize: in the early stages of pregnancy, high heels are still acceptable, but in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, doctors categorically do not recommend wearing such shoes. If you want to keep yourself and your baby healthy, and after giving birth, walk around in a miniskirt and fashionable shoes without embarrassing others with venous mesh and stretch marks, give up stilettos during pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman blossoms in her own way, and a special sparkle appears in her eyes. And by wearing comfortable low-heeled shoes, the expectant mother will not lose her attractiveness at all, but will only protect herself and the baby.

I remember myself before my first pregnancy - all my shoes were stilettos - I ran in them from morning to evening, and did not know grief. However, my belly began to grow, my legs began to swell, and, out of necessity, I had to buy ballet shoes. However, there are also stubborn girls who almost go to the maternity hospital in heels. Why is this dangerous, and in general, can pregnant women walk in heels? We'll find out soon!

A woman in heels is hard to miss. Overnight she becomes slimmer and more attractive. This is noticed by everyone around and especially representatives of the opposite sex. In order to stand out in their eyes, many women ignore the rules that state that pregnancy and high-heeled shoes are incompatible concepts.

Do you know why they are incompatible? It turns out it's all about the heel mechanics. Nature has thoughtfully created the muscles and tendons of the legs that act like springs. As you walk, they stretch, take on the load, and provide additional energy for the next step. We don’t even know about their work, because everything happens synchronously.

What disrupts such a harmonious process is elevation, and this is precisely what a heel represents. It literally blocks the natural “springs”, depriving the foot of its natural capabilities. As a result, the load on the legs increases significantly, but this is not the most important thing. Shoes with heels change the position of the body.

That beautiful posture that others stare at is the result of a change in the fulcrum. Now the young lady leans on her toes when walking. It is easy to guess that this affects stability, simultaneously weakening the ligaments of the ankle and foot. Additionally, the center of gravity shifts forward. To maintain balance, a woman has to lean back slightly.

The position is seductive, because it creates a curve in the lower back, but it is not very pleasant: regularly wearing high-heeled shoes provokes curvature of the spine and displacement of internal organs. Along the way, the muscles of the pelvis, legs, and lumbar region are constantly tense, which together leads to the most unpleasant consequences in the form of heaviness in the limbs, poor circulation, varicose veins, and even flat feet.

Danger during pregnancy

To understand why you can’t wear heels during pregnancy, it’s enough to analyze the changes that occur in the body in an interesting position. First of all, hormonal levels change.

In general, there is nothing wrong with this, unless you take into account that it also affects the ligaments: they relax and become looser. Add here the increased load on muscles and blood vessels, and you will understand that varicose veins and flat feet are not a possibility, but a reality, at least for many expectant mothers.

The troubles that high-heeled shoes can cause in the early or late stages of pregnancy do not end there. Possible:

  • Injuries. Look at the statistics of falls and dislocations regarding representatives of the fair half of humanity, who cannot imagine their lives without elegant pumps or stilettos. For those who are in an interesting position, it increases significantly. Do you know why? The ligaments of the spine are now weakened, and any sudden movements threaten to displace the vertebrae. Hence, by the way, lower back pain and leg cramps.
  • Risk of miscarriage. Who among us has not suffered from uterine tone during pregnancy? Perhaps only a few. The rest are at risk, since in such conditions the situation is aggravated by severe overstrain of the leg muscles, which adds stress to the spine and hip joints. The latter, in fact, can increase tone.
  • Saggy belly, stretch marks. Do you want to stay beautiful after giving birth? Listen to the advice of doctors who say that you should give up heels in the early stages of pregnancy. Injuries have nothing to do with it. When the center of gravity shifts, the stomach protrudes, and since the skin is already stretched, it also sags over time. It can all end with a so-called leather apron.
  • Malposition. When the center of gravity shifts, the baby runs the risk of lying down incorrectly. As a result, the doctor can record a transverse or breech presentation and send the expectant mother to a caesarean section. But it might not have existed if she had given up the wrong shoes in time.
  • Cramps. They are a consequence of overstrain of the calf muscle and are especially annoying for women during long pregnancy periods.
  • Loss of balance. Nature intended that in the second trimester a woman’s center of gravity should shift. If she “puts her hand to it”, that is, wears high-heeled shoes, one day everything may end in a fall due to the inability to maintain balance.
  • Swelling. In the third trimester, many women experience swelling. Of course, their current situation and diet are to blame, but narrow shoes with heels or platforms, which impede the outflow of fluid, add fuel to the fire.

Also possible are muscle strains, back and leg pain in the evening, all due to heels.

How long can you wear high heels?

Ideally, heels are contraindicated in both the first and third trimester. Meanwhile, life, or more precisely, the order in the office, sometimes dictates its own rules to us women. The strict dress code stipulates the wearing of high-heeled shoes, and the doctor prohibits it during pregnancy. What to do in this situation? Look for a compromise.

In the early stages, heels are acceptable if there are no contraindications - uterine muscle tone, threat of miscarriage, varicose veins. Moreover, you can even wear a stiletto heel, although a stable, small one is still preferable. At later stages it is better to choose something at low speed.

What heels can be worn during pregnancy at different stages

It's easiest for women in the first trimester. The tummy there is still small, so the load on the joints has not yet increased. The majority of beautiful women continue to wear shoes with the heels they like and are not even in a hurry to change their shoes. You can understand them, especially since it is important for them to enjoy such a walk, because very soon everything will change.

In the second trimester, we need to pay closer attention to what we wear. No matter how convenient it may be, a stiletto heel during this period is not the best option. Even if it is as stable as possible or small enough. It loses to all other types of heels due to the risk of injury and negative impact on the anatomy of the foot. As a result, a woman has to balance all the time in order to maintain balance, and no one knows how this may end sooner or later.

Some women prefer wedge heels. Thin and looking like a heel, it is, in fact, one, albeit in combination with a platform. Whatever one may say, this is also not the best option, although it has clear advantages: such shoes provide a smoother transition from the front to the back, making the negative impact on the foot less pronounced.

The third trimester is the hardest, because the tummy at this time is significantly enlarged. What heels can you wear at this time? On small ones, 3–5 cm high. Another acceptable option is a stable wedge heel. It is also not recommended to be completely without heels, otherwise this will lead to widening, flattening of the foot and the development of flat feet.

Can pregnant women walk in heels?

Summarizing all of the above, we can answer that both in the early stages and in the later stages, a pregnant woman can treat herself to shoes with heels. The main thing is to closely monitor your health and refuse it at the first signs of illness or contraindications.

In addition, it is very important to follow safety rules in such situations, namely:

To minimize the load on the foot, you should walk and stand in heels as little as possible, for example, changing into more comfortable shoes, sitting at a table or during lunch. Another option is to purchase an arch support insole to support your arch.

Fans of models with a narrow toe should pay attention to thumb spacers or gel pads: they prevent deformation.

Well, and most importantly, after a hard day at work, don’t forget to pamper your feet with a warm bath (water 37 - 39 degrees) and a light massage. They will be very grateful to you for this!

“There is no one more beautiful in the world than a pregnant woman.

There is happiness in the eyes, love in the heart, blush on the cheeks.

And inside there is a little life.”

Pregnancy is a happy and dangerous period in a woman’s life. The expectant mother has to get used to a new position, difficult and responsible. To diet, swelling, changeable mood. Numerous restrictions come into force, one of which is the ban on stiletto heels. Why shouldn't pregnant women wear heels?

It's so hard to leave!

Heels are a magical thing: first a chic lady put them on, then she took them off - a happy woman. People joke about heels, but there is some truth in every joke. Any representative of the fair sex strives to look impeccable. Who doesn’t want to appear attractive and slim in front of the public!

In addition to perfect makeup and well-groomed nails, elegant high-heeled shoes create a woman’s charm. And the expectant mother especially wants to be feminine and attractive. During pregnancy, women have an irresistible desire to look good and wear beautiful clothes and shoes.

The female subconscious demands its own, because weight increases, the stomach grows, character changes, hormones rage. Pregnancy is not a reason to become unkempt, girls say and buy stylish outfits, visit beauty salons more often and cannot part with their heels, showing off high heels even with an already obvious belly.

The period when a woman carries a new life within herself is shrouded in a huge number of superstitions and prohibitions. Some come from their grandmother’s far-fetched fears and prejudices. But there are restrictions that have specific justifications from doctors. Doctors strongly recommend that you stop walking in heels from the first days of pregnancy.

But why? Is it possible to ignore the taboo and continue to please yourself with stilettos?

Heels and the female body

Fashion is a demanding and stubborn thing. She often dictates the rules, not paying attention to health. It is difficult to meet a woman who is capable of sacrificing beauty for the sake of the comfort and convenience of her feet, replacing stiletto heels with flat, featureless soles.

Wearing heels visually increases the length of the legs, adds height, and straightens the shoulders. A woman's gait becomes seductive and feminine. But for the charm, for the magic of beauty, you have to sacrifice health.

Foot hazard

Women, be aware! The 7 cm heel provides the toe with a load 2-3 times greater than expected! As a result, the transverse arch of the foot becomes denser, and the unfortunate big toe takes on an unnatural position - it bends and deviates inward. Famous cones! Painful, ugly, ruining a woman’s life. They are familiar to anyone who has worn narrow stilettos.

When wearing heels, the feeling of support changes, and the usual step from heel to toe becomes impossible. This is dangerous - the entire biomechanics of the step is disrupted.

The foot muscles “forget” about when and how to work correctly, which leads to gait disturbances even in flat shoes. The toe bones and joints of the foot are extremely fragile and delicate. Wearing heels for a long time leads to a number of troubles:

Corns. The most harmless consequences of stilettos. Painful lumps occur as a result of unnatural load on the toe and poor circulation in these areas. The skin of the legs, which should be soft, tender and silky, turns into a dry “elephant sole”.

Calluses and deformation of the nail plate. With constant rubbing of the toes and concomitant poor circulation, rough, painful calluses appear. And the nails become deformed and crack. Weakened nail health can lead to the appearance of foot fungus.

Deformation of the fingers (bursitis). How to recognize a stiletto lover? Take a look at the shape of her toes. They are flattened, resembling flattened ugly hammers. The entire foot area follows the toe of the shoe. This deformation is called “hammerto” and can cause inflammation in the joints of the feet.

Achilles tendon dysfunction. The Achilles tendon is the most powerful and strong tendon in the human body. It connects the calf muscles and the heel bone. Wearing stilettos leads to pathological changes - the tendon loses its elasticity and hardens. The woman subsequently cannot walk normally even on comfortable flat soles.

Bumps on the heels. Ugly formations on the heels are caused by high heels. In such shoes, the heel is too hard; constant rubbing of the back of the foot provokes irritation and subsequent inflammatory reactions in the heels. If you do not pay attention to this, a lover of stiletto heels will develop a chronic disease of the heel muscles.

If a woman who constantly wears high heels begins to feel tingling and numbness in her toes, she should immediately visit a surgeon. Such symptoms are characteristic of Morton's neuroma. This is a disease of the nerve endings of the foot (the nerve roots grow and become hypersensitive).

Neuroma is accompanied by another nuisance - metatarsalgia. With this disease, a person feels a persistent nagging pain in the front zone of the foot. But the situation with health is much more serious when it comes to internal organs. Hairpins can cause hidden fractures of the bones of joints or fingers.

Outwardly, such injuries are invisible, but problems become apparent over time, when the pain in the legs becomes unbearable.

Loads on the spine

Walking in stiletto heels forces women to take shorter steps, which entails an increasing load on the spine. What does this mean (if you don’t stop wearing stiletto heels)?

The harm of heels is enormous. When walking in heels, a woman balances to walk smoothly without falling. The mechanics of movements of the whole body changes (the pelvis moves forward, the curvature of the lower back increases, the gluteal muscles protrude and are in constant tension).

All this entails deformation of the spine and hip bones and becomes the culprit for the occurrence of vertebral diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis).

Danger also lurks in the hips; when walking in stiletto heels, the calf muscles do not work fully, the femoral muscle tissues have to take on a significant part of the load - the muscles around the joints are damaged and provoke the occurrence of diseases (coxarthrosis, Perthes disease, tendonitis, pelvic bursitis).

Harm to blood vessels

Stand on your tiptoes – did you feel your calf muscles tighten? But when walking in heels, these muscle tissues gradually shorten. What are they doing? These are pumps; the calf muscles constantly pump blood, removing 15-20% of the load from the heart muscle. What happens when the calf muscle fibers shorten?

  1. Since the blood vascular walls are no longer “massaged” so intensely by muscle contractions, the vessels now remain in a contracted form all the time.
  2. Chronic contraction of blood vessels leads to stagnation of blood and disruption of the valves.
  3. A lover of stilettos begins to have problems with blood pressure, varicose veins and thrombosis appear.

Should poor women give up stilettos altogether? Arm yourself with sneakers and slippers? No! Doctors recommend wearing stilettos no more than 2-3 hours daily. After all, heels also bring benefits! They save you from developing flat feet, strengthen and train your leg muscles. The maximum heel is selected individually - the body itself will signal which heel it will accept.

For everyday wear, the allowed heel size is 4-5 centimeters. But for women suffering from varicose veins and arthritis, stilettos are contraindicated. Expectant mothers should completely give up high heels!

Heels during pregnancy

From the first moment of conception, a global hormonal restructuring occurs in the female body. The main hormone of expectant mothers, progesterone, begins to actively work. Throughout pregnancy, progesterone prepares the body for childbirth by acting on connective tissues, softening them.

At what stage of pregnancy does your legs become dangerous? Already in the early stages, the leg muscles of a pregnant woman soften, and body weight increases. High heels are dangerous for both the health of the mother and the unborn baby.

Danger for women

How do heels affect pregnancy? Due to hormonal changes and the work of progesterone, the cartilage and ligaments of the legs stretch, become loose and fragile. Such factors provoke the appearance of varicose veins or flat feet - the heel aggravates the dangerous situation and leads to nagging pain in the spine and swelling. Heels cause injury even in the early stages!

The most common injuries caused by a hairpin are dislocations, sprains, and fractures. Things are more serious when the spine is injured.

The compliance of the ligamentous apparatus under the influence of walking in heels turns into an incurable deformation of the joint. The hip joint system, joints of the feet and knees suffer, which provokes cramps and loss of sensation in the legs.

Additional stress during pregnancy is not only on the spine and muscles. The vessels that have to work in emergency mode suffer. High heels increase the load on blood vessels, which leads to illness and severe swelling (especially at 7 months).

Future mothers, are you satisfied with your belly after childbirth, covered with rough stretch marks? The stiletto heel changes the fulcrum, the weight of the body when walking in heels now falls on the toe of the foot (the abdominal muscles relax). A pregnant woman aggravates this situation - because she weighs much more.

The baby, growing for nine months in the mother's tummy, constantly moves, stretching the skin of the peritoneum (intensive fetal growth begins at 3 months). As a result, the stomach acquires a huge number of stretch marks, which are difficult to remove after childbirth.

Dangers for the baby

At the 5th month of development, the future baby is already moving with all its might in the mother’s belly. If a pregnant woman wears heels, the center of gravity of the body is seriously shifted. The baby takes the wrong position (if this happens at the 6th or 7th month, it still does not pose a danger - the baby may roll over).

But immediately before delivery, the incorrect position of the fetus leads to a cesarean section or complicated childbirth.

In obstetric practice, there have been cases where excessive tension in the calf muscles increased the load on the spine and hip apparatus. This situation stimulated the uterine muscles, which led to premature birth or miscarriage. The termination of pregnancy and the death of the baby were also influenced by the fall of a pregnant woman whose legs were twisted in stiletto heels.

Put away the beautiful heels for storage (they will still serve). And be sure to read the instructions on what kind of shoes the expectant mother needs.

Choosing shoes for a pregnant woman

When choosing shoes, try not to save money. High-quality shoes made from natural fabrics are much more important than a stylish handbag or a new suit. And don’t think that shoes will only be useful during pregnancy - there are daily walks ahead with your baby, where high heels will also be a hindrance.

Go shoe shopping in the evening. At this time, the foot swells, choosing comfortable shoes will become easier. Try on the models on both feet, stand in them, and walk around. Listen to the sensations! And buy shoes half a size or a size larger (taking into account tights, socks and upcoming leg swelling).

How long does it take to forget about heels?

When should you give up fashionable heels? Forget about them as soon as you hear the happy news. But, if you can’t say goodbye to your heels, follow these rules:

  1. You can only show off in heels in the first two months of pregnancy (when there is no belly yet). But do this in the most exceptional cases.
  2. Place arch supports (special insoles). They reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Look for shoes with an ankle closure and a wide toe. These shoes stay on your feet more firmly.
  4. Carry a pair of solid-soled shoes with you and immediately change shoes after 1.5-2 hours of walking (this is how long you can wear heels at the beginning of pregnancy).

Until how many months of pregnancy are heels allowed? The sooner the expectant mother refuses hairpins, the safer and more prosperous the pregnancy will be. But flat shoes won't do you any good either. Choose the “golden mean!”

The best shoes for a pregnant woman are sandals, moccasins or boots/shoes (depending on the season). The heel is low and small.

What is meant by “heel?” Wedge heels or square, stable heels no higher than 3-4 centimeters. Be sure to buy orthopedic insoles that correct the center of gravity and alleviate the condition of the legs during swelling.

We select shoes taking into account the deadline

I trimester. Soft shoes with low and wide heels. An excellent option in the early stages of pregnancy would be sports-style shoes with laces. What about the heels? What height is allowed? For dress shoes, choose shoes with heels up to 3 centimeters.

II trimester. At this time, the tummy becomes visible. Now is the time to give up stiletto heels and choose shoes made from natural material with a perforated insole for “feet breathing” and a wide sole for stability. Forget about fashionable boots and narrow toes!

At this stage of pregnancy, choose shoes with a gap of at least one centimeter from the shoe to the foot!

It is at these pores that a woman’s legs swell. This gap is necessary to avoid problems with normal blood flow. The heel is allowed up to 1.5-2 centimeters.

III trimester. Heavy and responsible for mommy. Doctors recommend switching to solid, flat soles in the last months of pregnancy. Heels are not allowed in the last trimester, even low ones!

In the third trimester, forget about lacing your shoes - they will tighten your swollen feet and aggravate the problem.

A flat sole will help you better maintain balance when walking and reduce stress on your muscles. But choose shoes, even with solid soles, with a closed heel. Winter shoes should have solid, grooved soles! You don't want to lose your balance and fall on the ice, do you?

In the last months of pregnancy, a large belly makes it difficult to bend over. Make sure that your foot slips easily into the shoes and that there are no difficulties with the fastening. Velcro or zippers will help out here (they can be easily fastened by placing your foot on a stool).

It is prohibited to bend down to fasten your shoes! A long (50-60 cm) spoon will help you put on shoes without effort. And in the off-season and winter, go to a workshop, shoemakers will make an anti-slip coating on the sole - it’s safer!

Heels and platform. Is it possible to give up heels during pregnancy in favor of platforms/wedges? These styles, with a smooth transition from heel to toe, seem appropriate. But this form is not always stable. When choosing a wedge, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The leg should be comfortable and comfortable.
  • The platform is low (maximum 3 centimeters).
  • Platform shoes should not fit tightly around the foot.
  • Reliable grip on the road (grooved sole).

Relief for legs after walking

After a long walk, give your tired legs a rest. Lie down and place them in an elevated position to prevent swelling and improve blood flow. Rest more often and change your body position! If you are predisposed to varicose veins, do not wait for the stars to appear - immediately purchase compression stockings and underwear.

Water. Drink often! Contrary to opinion, this will not provoke swelling, but will remove excess salts from the body (they lead to the appearance of edema). Pamper your feet with a contrast shower every night.

Direct the water stream at the sole, make rotational movements with your feet (20 times in each direction). These exercises will help the calf muscles not to lose tone.

After foot exercises, direct a stream of water from your toes to your knee and back to stimulate blood flow and improve the condition of your calf muscles.

Ointments and creams. After a stimulating shower, add joy to your legs - apply special decongestants and anti-varicose products to them. Such ointments contain menthol, horse chestnut extracts, seaweed, blueberry and arnica extract and vitamins C and K.

Regular use of the products improves lymph flow, strengthens and protects vascular walls.

Gymnastics. Don't forget about leg exercises! Gymnastics increases blood circulation and strengthens leg muscles:

  1. Lie on your back, raise your legs and make rotational movements with them like on a bicycle.
  2. Lying down, rotate your feet in different directions.
  3. While standing, slowly rise and fall on your toes.
  4. Walk in place, trying to lift only your heels off the floor.
  5. While lying down, try to “write” any word in the air with your feet.

Every day, vigorously rub and massage tired legs (start from the feet and move towards the thighs).

Protect your feet from high temperatures! Do not keep near heaters or expose them to the scorching sun.

And remember that pregnancy is temporary! And you will have to live with your legs for the rest of your life! Give up heels, take care of your feet and soon you will become even more beautiful when you walk in your favorite heels, holding your baby's hand!

Well, why can’t pregnant women walk in heels? - future mothers ask themselves, being in the first weeks of an interesting situation. Or maybe it’s still possible? And nothing bad will happen? Let's look at common opinions and misconceptions about this.

According to psychologists, the syndrome of desire for heels during pregnancy is caused by one reason. A woman, even who was looking forward to this joyful event, suddenly realizes that her life will change dramatically. There will no longer be much that was typical for her in everyday life, her lifestyle and priorities will change. In the end, the appearance will change, and it is not yet known in what direction. She wants to remain beautiful and attractive in the eyes of others for as long as possible. And it seems that heels are what you need for this.

But doctors, when asked what will happen if you wear heels during pregnancy, caution: nothing good. And this is due to the structural features of the foot and the changes occurring in the female body.

Why does the foot suffer?

The structure of the foot includes about 30 bones. In a standing position, the load from the body weight is distributed more or less evenly on them, although the main pressure falls on the back (heel) and middle (arch of the foot). There are also joints here. Despite their small size, there are 33 of them in each foot. The purpose of these joints is to cushion when walking, so that the knee and hip joints experience less stress.

What happens when a woman wears high heels? Understanding this will allow you to answer the question of whether pregnant women can walk in heels.

  • There is a shift in the centers of gravity. Instead of distributing them evenly over three points of the feet, the entire weight of the body must be borne by the phalanges of the fingers and the forefoot, for which this load is unusual.
  • The center of gravity moves forward. The spine adapts to new conditions. He bends unusually at the waist.
  • There is a compensatory reaction to the lumbar curve: The spine also arches in the thoracic region.
  • Violation of the natural position of the spine leads to changes in the position of internal organs and blood circulation.

Negative changes also occur in the legs themselves. Redistribution of the load literally knocks the shins out of the general work of the muscles. Over time, they become flabby and weak. This leads to disruption of blood flow, stagnation, contributing to the development of varicose veins.

Are heels and pregnancy compatible?

What about during pregnancy? The situation is getting worse.

In addition to physiological problems, the banal aspect of safety should also be taken into account. It is impossible to walk in heels in ice and rain without posing a threat to the baby's health. Yes, in normal weather, a thin stiletto heel that forces your foot to balance creates a risk of twisting your ankle or dangerously falling.

What shoes should an expectant mother choose?

Despite the dangers of wearing heels, doctors do not urge people to abandon them completely. And when asked whether pregnant women can wear heels, they answer: yes, but special ones.

Instead of high heels, choose:

  • heel 3-5 cm high- it will ensure the correct position of the foot and will become a competent prevention of flat feet.
  • wedge heel - it supports the foot in a natural position, and from the back it looks exactly like a heel.

Doctors do not advise going to extremes, preferring running sneakers instead of your favorite shoes. The former, like ballet shoes, pumps and other low-speed shoes, stimulate flattening of the foot, causing the development of flat feet. If such shoes are comfortable for you, during pregnancy, complement them with an orthopedic insole with arch support.

And don’t forget about heels during early pregnancy. As long as your tummy is not heavy, wear them with pleasure. At the same time, always have more comfortable shoes with you in case your feet get tired. In the evening, pamper your feet with a warm bath (temperature up to 38°C) and a light massage.