How to win a Gemini man forever for a Leo woman. How to win a Gemini man: secret tricks for brave ladies. What a woman needs to know in order to keep a Gemini man next to her

When a woman likes a man born under the zodiac sign Gemini, she often cannot find an approach to him. Tried and tested methods of influence do not have any effect on it. You can give up and give up, or you can read our article and put the recommendations into practice. How to win a Gemini man and keep him near you, we will consider further.

Characteristics of a man of this sign

The Gemini man has an easy-going character, is distinguished by a lively mind, sociability, ease, and a good sense of humor. By nature he is a leader. These qualities allow him to feel confident in any, even the noisiest, company. At the same time, he manages to become the center of attention and please everyone, regardless of the number of people and their interests. Sociability allows the Gemini man to be an excellent conversationalist. There is never a dull moment with him, even alone.

How to please a Gemini man if he never sits still? If it seems that he seems to be in different places at the same time, without getting tired of communicating with a large number of acquaintances and strangers? How to attract his attention for a long time? Very simple. To do this you need:

  • To be radically different from those around him. Stand out from the crowd, emphasize your difference from other representatives of the fair sex.
  • Carefully disguise your sympathy for him, do not show your interest, do not catch his every glance and word. A man who is accustomed to female attention, surrounded by a crowd of fans, will be surprised by your slightly dismissive attitude towards him. Noticing this, he will become interested and will make efforts to seek your favor.

The fact that an unusual girl ignores him is perceived by the Gemini man as a failure. And he can't stand failure. Your disguise will awaken the spirit of the conqueror in him. He will pursue you, try to interest you with all his might.

Speaking about slight neglect or ignoring, it is important to note that moderation is important in everything. Too cool an attitude on your part will not bring the desired result. You should also not overdo it with an official business tone in communication.

How to conquer a Gemini man

To attract a Gemini man, you must follow the following algorithm:

  • Collect as much information about him as possible. We discussed the features of his character and behavior above. Imagine that you are a seller. Your product is the best, but it needs to be presented and offered correctly. Your product is you, and he is the buyer. If the deal goes through, it will be mutually beneficial.
  • If you want a Gemini, you need to take a non-standard approach to seducing him. As mentioned above, the usual techniques that women resort to not only do not work on him, but also cause open sarcastic laughter and rejection. The most harmless thing in this case is to get a smile from him. The Gemini man is liked by women and skillfully uses this.
  • Before you start a conversation with a Gemini man, you should think about several topics for conversation. Already in the process of communication, you will outline the correct line, and Gemini himself will be happy to support the conversation if you suddenly get confused.
  • You can prepare something new, unknown, and informative in advance. Gemini is curious and well-educated, so this will be interesting to him.
  • Wit and surprise will help attract Gemini's attention. And if you have an excellent sense of humor, then you are simply guaranteed his company.
  • In order to please a Gemini guy, you need to change the topic of the conversation. This will keep his interest at the proper level. It would be ideal if you completely sincerely laugh at his funny statements and be surprised when this is appropriate.
  • It is important to catch the moment when a man’s attention is completely focused on you. is at this moment that you find a reason and leave him yourself, leaving him at the peak of interest. Of course, after this he will want to meet again. Such a moment can be tracked by observing the rotation of its body. In a normal conversation, the Gemini man stands as if half sideways, intending to quickly leave as soon as he sees someone more interesting. As soon as you capture his attention, he will turn entirely in your direction, his eyes will sparkle with enthusiasm. Then the right opportunity to leave him will come.
  • The next step is that you periodically let him know that you are interested in him. When casually communicating with others, dancing, you sometimes approach him, exchanging light, meaningless phrases. Your carelessness, emancipation and freedom will work best in your favor.
  • You can win the heart of a Gemini through the role of mystery and enigma. But it’s not enough just to play this role. You really have to have something special, intriguing, secret. Having caught on to this, a curious Gemini will strive to stay as long as possible with the one who, in the end, will reveal the cards and satisfy his interest.
  • You should not resort to this technique if you don’t have anything amazing in stock. A man disappointed by deception may turn around and leave, losing all interest in you.
  • Your ability to listen to him is also important for Gemini. An attentive, adequate and timely response listener is conducive to conversation. The Gemini man likes grateful, empathetic interlocutors. A blank facial expression or a bored look is inappropriate here.
  • By participating in the conversation, actively listening and gradually directing the conversation in the direction you want, you can even make a Gemini guy fall in love. However, at the same time, he must think that he is in control of the conversation. Give him the illusion of freedom, and he will be yours forever.

And here is the important, long-awaited, exciting moment: you managed to attract the attention of a Gemini man, and he invites you on a date. What do you need to remember to make the date go flawlessly?

On a date

First dates with a Gemini man are revealing. It depends on them whether he will continue to communicate with you or disappear from your life forever. You will need patience and listening skills. Also, don’t forget about the tips that helped you attract him. All this will still be relevant in your relationship with him.

Be prepared for Gemini to constantly change plans. A date that starts in a restaurant can end on the beach. You need to know that he will not even let you in on his ideas. Frigid women have no place next to dynamic, agile, easy-going Gemini men. If you manage to get involved in the rhythm of his life, then there is a great chance in his life to stay.

We looked at how to captivate a Gemini man, how to build a relationship with him to maintain his interest, and even how to make him fall in love with you. Next, we will touch upon the peculiarities of the behavior of a representative of the air element in love - a man born under the sign of Gemini.

Behavior of a Gemini man in love

A Gemini man in love is completely consistent with his element. If he loves, then he loves strongly, firmly. Overwhelmed by emotions, he will rush like the wind to give vent to his feelings. You can’t even imagine how much energy appears in it right away!

Look into his eyes. Did they change the shade? There is no doubt - Gemini is in love. I can't believe it, but it's true.

For the sake of the woman he loves, Gemini is ready to change for the better and get rid of bad habits. For example, if he used to scatter his socks, then, having fallen in love, he will put them in the right place. He will take care of his clothes, shoes, and his hairstyle. His speech will be cleared of slang expressions.

A Gemini man who has never cooked food will begin to cook it for the sake of your beloved. At first he will not succeed, but (not without your praise and support), gradually, everything will work out. He will put his whole soul into the cooking process and make every effort.

How to understand that a Gemini is in love? It’s very simple: it will adapt to reality. If he notices flaws in you, his brain will quickly turn them into advantages. Of course, there cannot be an imperfect woman next to him! Finding advantages in the shortcomings of a loved one and justifying her, at all costs, is the prerogative of exclusively Gemini men. Moreover, if his friends tell him something bad about his beloved woman, he will send such friends away and stop communicating with them. He is such an idealizer and maximalist!

Sometimes his maximalism serves in a negative direction: if a married Gemini falls in love, he will leave the family without hesitation. Having children won't stop him. You will never regret anything. The children will be supported.

A Gemini in love sometimes behaves not quite adequately. Love puts everything above everything: friends, family, children, yourself. From a leadership position, he can move into submission, if it pleases his beloved. He will even give up his favorite football when his beloved does not like it.

Representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign are frivolous and elusive. This applies to work, hobbies or tastes, as well as love relationships. It’s easy to attract them, but keeping them close to you is not an easy task. Therefore, the article below will be useful to girls wondering how to fall in love with a Gemini man.

Brief description of a Gemini man

Representatives of the male population born between May 21 and June 20 are changeable and versatile personalities.

  • When they first meet, people usually immediately notice the bright emotions, enthusiastic speech and sparkling humor of Gemini. It is possible to understand their complex nature in more detail only through long and close communication.
  • Tendency to engage in intellectual conversations; Periodic change of points of view
  • Hospitality coupled with a frivolous attitude to organizing conditions for guests (they will be asked to buy a lot along the way or bring with them);
  • Tendency to have long arguments, provided that the company touched upon a topic that is important to Gemini;
  • Cleverness and, as a result, love to various puzzles/riddles;
  • Volumetric horizon, allowing you to support almost any conversation;
  • Wit and an amazing sense of humor;
  • Inability to refuse from sarcastic comments even when it is inappropriate;
  • Airy and cheerful disposition;
  • Readiness to break loose whenever and wherever, as long as it promises adventure;
  • Spending.

What kind of woman is right for him?

A man born under the constellation Gemini will be suited to a woman whose character has a tendency to constant change.

This means a lack of attachment to a clearly defined type of activity.

  • More specifically, a Gemini man will be happy with a woman who loves: Going to the cinema or theater not only to see popular new releases
  • , but also to independent experimental films and performances; Long conversations
  • on cold winter evenings; funny jokes
  • and jokes on friends or acquaintances; Excursion option
  • holidays; Non-standard options
  • holding holidays (costume parties, quests, unusual places); My job
  • - after all, the twin himself would never engage in uninteresting work; Variety in bed

– fight for conservatism!

How to please your twin

  • In order for him to begin to consider the young lady as his other half, it is necessary: To begin with, become a good friend to a man
  • – without this there will be no guarantee for a long relationship; Skilfully carry on a conversation
  • and wittily parry the twin’s eternal jokes; Behave easily and naturally
  • , as when talking with a bosom friend; Find out the main points
  • his interests and periodically share interesting facts or news on these topics; Use more often in conversation

funny details or just jokes.

Make him fall in love Getting your twin to like you is half the battle, if not less.

Next, you need to quietly (the main condition) become the one he loves with all his freedom-loving soul.

  • How to achieve this: Make friends with his parents
  • – after all, for this air zodiac sign, parents are the unquestioning authority; Be calm about it
  • that he sometimes needs to spend time only with friends; Have a serious amount of patience
  • – you can’t rush to win the heart of a Gemini man; or a sudden change of plans on a date.

Marriage with a twin

For a Gemini, an ideal marriage is a union of two independently existing and equal partners.

If he is not interested in the pastime proposed by his wife, the twin will most likely offer an option in which everyone spends the evening in their own way.

And it’s not scary, he will be glad that he is left to his own devices. The only main thing is that such situations do not turn into a habit, otherwise he will find another girlfriend with similar interests.

If conflicts arise between his wife and parents, he will always take the side of his mother or father. In such situations, he is unable to adequately evaluate any arguments of his other half. Any representative of a mutable sign will take his wife’s attempts to prohibit him from doing anything with hostility.

It must be remembered that even after deciding to marry, the twin always continues to dream of adventure. That is why they often fail to maintain marital fidelity.

If a period of numerous quarrels or constant routine has begun in the family, then there is a high probability that the man will go to the left.

Is it possible to make a married man fall in love? In the case of a twin, the answer is clear - yes, it is possible.

Especially if the homewrecker caught the very moment when habit prevailed in the relationship between the spouses.

How to understand that he is in love

  • Your chosen Gemini is definitely head over heels in love if: Always calls the girl first
  • when any new interesting information arrives; Brings a lady to company
  • your close friends; Allows you to gain
  • victory over him in disputes at least sometimes; Doesn't notice wrongdoing
  • and shortcomings of the chosen one; Reacts sharply

, if someone (even if it is his friend) speaks impartially about the object of his love. Gemini men love to express their emotions clearly.

And the attitude towards the girl you like is no exception. Therefore, if he is in love, everyone will know about it.

What might turn him off?

When communicating with the subject of this article, there are also contraindications that can discourage a twin from communicating with a woman for a long time or forever.

  • Under no circumstances should you:
  • Immediately show obvious romantic interest, otherwise the whole mystery will be lost;
  • Get involved in being a homebody;
  • Be offended by sarcastic jokes (he usually does this not out of malice);
  • Try to limit his social circle;
  • It is bad to talk about a man's parents;
  • Allow the chosen one to guess that they want to tie him to themselves;

Openly criticize him - Gemini is very vulnerable to criticism.

Compatible Zodiac Signs Also, astrologers promise Gemini happiness in marriage with Libra, Aquarius or Aries. But long-term relationships with Pisces and Scorpio, as a rule, cannot be built.

Tip one: No boredom!

In order to tie this freedom-loving person to you, you need to constantly surprise your soulmate in all available ways.

Specific examples:

  • Original and unique dates;
  • Unusual gifts for the holidays: You don’t always need to give something as a gift; you can give a person the opportunity to experience unique (or even extreme) experiences.

Tip two:

The girl with whom a Gemini man will connect his life should look one hundred out of a hundred in any situation.


  • No need to get stuck on one image, because there is a huge variety of hairstyles and styles;
  • Ability to get ready in 10 minutes, and looking like a queen will be a huge plus. The unpredictable twin may show up suddenly and who knows what he has prepared this time to please his beloved.

Conquering a Gemini man is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. If you are lucky enough to fall in love with a Gemini man, then most likely you don’t even know how to behave in his presence and how such a representative of the stronger half of humanity will like it. In this article we will talk about how to win such a man and make him want to be with you.

To win a Gemini man, you first need to understand his character. After all, without knowing his preferences and tastes, it is difficult to judge a person’s character. In addition, knowing what he is like will help you understand whether a relationship with him will be interesting or not.

The distinctive features of such a person are an easy-going character, sociability, wit and leadership. The Gemini man is attracted to noisy companies, in which he feels great, because he simply cannot live without large crowds of people. In addition, he is always the center of attention, attracting admiring as well as envious glances.

Geminis fit well into any company and always feel comfortable, regardless of the interests and preferences of others. A sense of humor and a lively mind make such people everyone’s favorites and excellent conversationalists. You definitely won’t be bored next to such a man.

During the evening, the Gemini man can be seen on all areas of the dance floor and it may seem that he is everywhere: he joked here, he told an anecdote there. Everyone will be delighted by his charm and activity.

As a rule, a Gemini man has a slightly casual, conservative style, since he manages to look free and sophisticated at the same time. If someone points out shortcomings in his attire, then you can be sure that he will respond in kind, colorfully talking about the shortcomings of his opponent.

Since such a person is always the center of attention, he really likes when people pay attention to him. Luck often becomes his constant companion, but he considers it something ordinary and normal.

If you are one of those girls who perfect their flirting with their eyes and love to shoot sparkling and meaningful glances towards the chosen representative of the stronger half of humanity, then you will not be able to win a Gemini man.

Why? It's simple. He already has a lot of such fans, but he wants something different. For a Gemini man to make a woman stand out from the crowd, she must be unusual and different from everyone else.

Therefore, in order to win a Gemini man, you should stand out from the general background of your rivals, or better yet, stand out in principle. Then he himself will notice you and become interested.

Try to show off your personality and highlight your individuality. It will be great if someone introduces you as a talented and unusual girl. However, in the future we will have to comply with this.

If you decide to conquer a Gemini man, then you will have to completely forget about all the standard methods of seduction that could work perfectly with other representatives of the stronger half of humanity. He is different, you need to work with him differently.

Hackneyed phrases and vulgar flirting will only repel a Gemini man. Why? Yes, because they are already popular with women and all these standard feminine tricks will cause nothing but a grin and thoughts of another lady in love.

You should also not play with him with coolness and arrogance, since this will not lead to love.

Your ideal case is witty and unpredictable behavior. Surprise will emphasize your individuality and elevate you in the eyes of Gemini. And this will arouse interest. In addition, you must have a sense of humor and a sharp mind, otherwise you will not be interested in him.

If you decide to talk to him, then think over topics for conversation so that you do not seem like a silent bore who is afraid to open his mouth. After all, if only he speaks, then you will have little chance. He will support any conversation and any topic, in general - you won’t be bored.

Variety and intrigue

Try to change the topics of conversation and not focus on just one thing. Genuinely laugh at his jokes and be surprised if he actually surprises you. And then comes the most interesting part.

When you have won his attention and shown your individuality, it’s time to leave, and on your own. This is necessary so that the man begins to look for a meeting, wants to see you again. This is a unique move that is mandatory for those who want to conquer a Gemini man.

After leaving him, you can continue to communicate with other people, sometimes returning to him to exchange a few words. He should feel free, and you should feel at ease.

Often he talks to a person in a position where only half of the body is turned towards the interlocutor. You may get the impression that he is about to leave. And only when it turns completely will it be evidence of interest.

The technique of enigma and enigma is perfect when you promise to tell him something, often a secret or secret, but you don’t tell him. It is important that after the story he is not disappointed. And this can happen if your secret is empty and not worth attention. In this case, Gemini may lose any desire to continue communication.

Since representatives of the stronger half of humanity born in this sign are distinguished by erudition, they expect the same from a woman. Therefore, if you surprise him with your knowledge in some area, he will admire you.

Since the sign of Gemini belongs to the air element, his interest can appear very quickly and pass just as quickly. And if the lady becomes uninteresting to him, he will simply disappear. He loves to be listened to. You should not listen silently and nod, you need to react violently to his words, emotions, ask questions and participate in dialogue. This is the only way you will maintain his interest.

Seeing you as a grateful listener who is interested in communicating with him, he will become interested in such a woman, and on an intuitive level will strive for you. You can slightly adjust the topic, directing it in the right direction. At the same time, you need to try to show him that it is he who is having a conversation with you, and not vice versa. You must give him visible freedom in everything, and he will idolize and adore you.

During the conversation, Gemini will periodically ask you questions and give you the opportunity to speak out in order to understand what is on the lady’s mind and whether she is playing with him. If you show a little mystery and erudition, you can win him over.

Please also take into account that the plans of a Gemini man can change very often, so you will have to stock up on remarkable patience and try to understand him in everything. If you listen to him and inspire him, looking at him with adoration and admiring his intelligence, he will fall in love with you and will never leave you.

To be with him, you need to be the same active and active person, because he is always on the move, searching and always in a hurry to somewhere. If you prefer to relax at home and do not like to spend time outside the home, then you will not be interested in him, and he will feel at home as if in a cage.

You must be an easy-going and active woman who will accompany the Gemini man on his travels and follow him. By the way, this must also be done because, due to frivolity, he may become carried away by another representative of the fair half of humanity.

Important! Remember that this needs to be done subtly so that the Gemini does not develop a sense of control.

In this case, you can not only conquer a Gemini man, but also make sure that he never leaves you.

How to win a Gemini man in sex

If it seems to you that this is your person, then try it, go for it and you will understand that you simply will not find a more interesting and exciting companion, with whom it will be fun and entertaining. And following the recommendations from this article, winning him and making him fall in love will be as easy as shelling pears!

The Gemini sign is distinguished by its sociability and numerous talents. How can a girl who has fallen in love draw his attention to herself? In this article you will learn how to conquer a Gemini man.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are dual people. This is hinted at by their symbol “twins”. At some times these people are very sociable, cheerful, loving, and at other times they suddenly turn out to be withdrawn, gloomy and thoughtful. Such is their changeable nature.

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The Gemini man is very charming, he exudes magnetism that attracts other people, especially women. It is unlikely that he will complain about the lack of fans; many want to win him.

Even without being handsome, this man conquers girls with the ease inherent only to him. And all thanks to the patron of the sign - the planet Mercury.

Sociable, mischievous and cheerful, he does not like to create problems. He looks at life with a degree of irony and self-irony, and is always ready to go on the next adventure. But at the same time he is smart enough to avoid getting into really dangerous situations. This guy knows how to get away with it.

So, your chosen one was born under the sign of Gemini. It's time to talk about how to conquer such a man.

Smart and talkative

The Gemini man is a wonderful conversationalist. He is smart and well-read, able to carry on a conversation on any topic. He seems to have knowledge about everything under the sun. Therefore, his girlfriend should also be sociable and talkative. If you just smile mysteriously without expressing your opinion, this guy will think you are too stupid.

After you start dating a Gemini, or better yet, even before that, start reading books. Give preference to modern literature. This will immediately bring two points in your favor. Firstly, you will always have something to tell your chosen one. And secondly, he will understand that in front of him is a really smart and educated girl.

Don’t neglect watching the news, because your Gemini man is always up to date with the latest events. This sign is very interesting. You shouldn't lag behind him.

He will be sincerely surprised if he finds out that you have not heard anything about the latest earthquake in Japan or the change of government in Egypt.

To win over your Gemini, be curious about everything around you. Find out new information, look at Wikipedia. And also, invite the man to enroll in some courses with you, for example, in learning a foreign language. New topics for conversation will add sparkle to your relationship.

Another important aspect is the ability to listen to your chosen one. It is important for him that you listen to his stories, news, jokes and anecdotes carefully, and be sure to react to them depending on the situation: with nods of the head, the words “yes, yes, exactly” or a cheerful, boisterous laugh. Don't interrupt the man, but don't be silent in response either.


The Gemini man loves change and new experiences. He always looks around in search of new opportunities for entertainment, development and travel. One might even call him impatient. Boredom is his main enemy.

Therefore, from your Gemini you will sometimes receive offers to go somewhere with him right now. Or tomorrow you can fly to another country for a couple of days, as an unexpected opportunity presented itself: “Of course, dear, you will have time to get ready. Don't forget your passport. Just don’t take a lot of things, we’re just here for the weekend...”

The Gemini man wants his lover to be easy-going. She could take off at any moment and go with him for new experiences.

Therefore, if you like to plan everything in advance and schedule a month in advance, you will have to change your habits. This is the only way to conquer a Gemini man. Otherwise, the gentleman will be bored with you.

Think about it, it’s great to unexpectedly go out to a fashionable disco, although you planned to stay at home all evening. Or invite friends to your home on a weekday - just like that, for no reason, so that everyone can chat together, play a new computer game or sing songs with a guitar. Here it is - the element of Gemini.

Don't limit his freedom

Gemini is. He feels like the wind, free to fly wherever he pleases at any moment. She loves meeting friends, parties, trips, outdoor barbecues and much more. Holding this man is like holding the wind.

The ideal lover will provide him with personal space that will not be intruded upon. Unfortunately, on the path of a Gemini man, there are often women who try to control him and keep him at home. They think that it is enough to create a cozy atmosphere and prepare a delicious dinner for this man to spend all his time with his family.

However, such a strategy is doomed to failure. Of course, representatives of this sign will appreciate delicious food and the comfort that the woman they love creates, but spending all their days the same is unbearably boring for them. When life turns into “Groundhog Day,” Geminis leave—no, they even run away without looking back.

To conquer your chosen one, you will have to accept his wide circle of friends. This will be difficult to do if you are jealous. After all, Gemini often communicates on social networks, his smartphone is always active, and there are many girls among his friends. But nothing can be done about it - his love rests on mutual trust.

However, do not think that our hero will turn a blind eye to your flirting with other men. Never!

Gemini is jealous and wants you to belong only to him. However, I am ready to provide you with personal space and let you go with friends or take Spanish courses with peace of mind. But only until his intuition whispers to him about possible betrayal.

Constantly change

As you already know, the Gemini man loves changes - they feed his energy and bring a touch of fresh air into everyday life. His beloved woman must also change. Therefore, think in advance what you can and want to change in yourself. Don't let this be a sacrifice for you - rather imagine what new opportunities await you.

For example, your new haircut or changes in clothing style can conquer a Gemini. Start yourself a new hobby from time to time. Today you cross-stitch, and tomorrow you are already taking up horse riding. This month you read science fiction, and next month you read romance novels.

It will be great if you don’t show all your cards to this man at once.

Don't share all the details about yourself and your interests. Save some of them for later.

If you are like an open book, then Gemini thinks he has already figured you out. He may get bored and go in search of another girl who has not yet been solved.

Instead, direct his attention to different facets of your inner world. And to make it interesting for him to study you, become a truly versatile person who has a lot of things in his heart. Develop, deepen your knowledge and learn new things.

Now let’s answer the question, which zodiac signs are suitable for a Gemini man. This sign is very versatile. There is no girl with whom he could not find a common topic of conversation. But women born under the signs are especially suitable for him:

  • Libra - a lot of communication and parties;
  • Leo - holidays and ardent love;
  • Aquarius - intellectual harmony;
  • Aries - a whirlpool of events and ideas;
  • Sagittarius - a new adventure every day.

Conquering a Gemini man, as we found out, is not so easy. Different signs use different tactics to captivate and win their chosen one.

The Aries woman was lucky - nature endowed her with a bright temperament, directness and open disposition, which Gemini likes so much. This couple will have a lot of passion in love.

It is enough for a Taurus woman to attract a man with her gentleness and charm. He will appreciate her good taste and sense of tact. Advice: don’t expect much practicality from your chosen one, this is not his element.

The Gemini woman feels like she has found a soul mate. The main thing is that these two do not tire each other with endless conversations.

The Cancer woman wants this confident and popular man to belong only to her. She will listen to him, listening to every word. Gemini, of course, will appreciate this attitude.

It is important for a Leo woman to be admired and respected. At first the man will be puzzled by the fact that this girl will have to be conquered. But after she says “yes,” a lot of passion awaits them.

The Virgo woman likes Gemini's developed intellect and his dexterity in solving any problems. He will also appreciate her erudition and extensive knowledge. Conflicts are possible due to Virgo’s excessive love of order and neatness.

The Libra woman will like our hero at first sight. To conquer him, she doesn’t even need to do anything special. Just be yourself and have casual conversations with him.

It will not be difficult for a Scorpio woman to seduce a Gemini. He will be fascinated by her inherent magnetism and mystery. However, Scorpio's jealousy can destroy relationships.

If you met a cheerful and charming Gemini man and decided to win his sympathy, then here are some tips for you on how to win the heart of this freedom-loving “airy” man. Remember, subtle humor is the main weapon in conquering Gemini. If on the first date you can make him laugh with your witty jokes, consider half the job done. Geminis value women very much for their intelligence and wisdom. They themselves are great intellectuals who know many interesting facts. They love to discuss new ideas and learn new facts. Therefore, do not be afraid to surprise him with the knowledge that you possess. The more interesting new information you reveal to him, the more his interest in you will increase. Don't be afraid to argue and defend your point of view. Gemini will listen carefully to your arguments, and if he considers them justified, he will take them into account in other discussions. It is not easy to convince him, but if you have proven knowledge and facts, lay them out with confidence and uncompromisingness, then Gemini will begin to respect your point of view, and may even change his mind on this issue. But Gemini will not accept empty and unconfirmed words. He will defend his opinion to the end.

But remember, winning the heart of this freedom-loving representative is not so easy. He loves to flirt and start non-binding relationships. Behind him is a huge number of short-term novels. He very quickly gets bored with monotony and monotony. This person is not created for a serious relationship. Therefore, you must be a special woman, an elusive visionary woman, an unsolved mystery. Only then do you have the opportunity to conquer the heart and take possession of the soul of this Wind man.

Very good-natured and friendly. He has a lot of acquaintances and friends. This sociable lover of conversation can start a conversation with a complete stranger. After all, he is bored, and boredom is definitely not for Gemini. He is very afraid of the shackles of marriage and the daily routine. Never be the first to talk about marriage. Boredom and monotony simply drive him crazy. Therefore, if you decide to connect your life with such a person, you will have to constantly surprise him with something, please him, arrange various surprises. If you are a homebody, then Gemini will very soon get bored with you, and he will leave in search of new adventures. And if you also begin to encroach on his freedom, be jealous of all his friends (and he has a lot of them) and constantly sort things out, then one fine day he will simply disappear from your life without any explanation or justification. Be patient with Gemini, show understanding and trust in him, then he will appreciate all these qualities and will never want to leave for another woman.

The Gemini man loves to eat well. He is often a skilled cook himself. He prefers gourmet dishes; throughout his life, he longs to try the cuisine of all the nations of the world. If you manage to surprise him with your culinary talents, then this is another step towards winning his heart.

If you are looking for a man who will protect you from problems and protect you from the slightest dangers, then the Gemini man is not suitable for this role. Gemini needs an independent woman who will not burden him with her problems. After all, this man himself needs support and maternal care. You will never feel protected and reliable with this man. There is a certain amount of irresponsibility, indifference and unwillingness to solve someone's problems.

If your relationship has reached the stage of intimacy, you should remember that Geminis do not tolerate monotony. You must amaze him with your passion, your sexuality and erotic fantasy. Love games are what Gemini loves in sex. If you yourself take the initiative in intimate relationships, then you will become a treasure for Gemini, which he will not want to lose at any cost. If you deplete his masculine strength, then you will not have to worry that your chosen one is cheating on you. He simply won't have the strength to do it.

Ten Commandments on How to Deal with a Gemini

You must be:

  • cheerful and witty;
  • diverse and unpredictable;
  • sociable and a little crazy;
  • patient and caring;
  • sexy.

You are not allowed:

  • criticize Gemini;
  • show jealousy and tactlessness;
  • infringe on his freedom;
  • dictate rules to him and put him within limits;
  • be monotonous and serious.

If the Gemini man does not take the initiative.

In this case, there are several options to push him to action:

  1. pretend that you don’t really need him, that you don’t cling to him, and if something happens... there will be others who will console...
  2. arrange circumstances so that at the peak of the relationship there is a risk of a breakup through no fault of yours (someone caught you together and this someone can separate you)
  3. or take the initiative into your own hands. Most Gemini men love proactive women (especially if their mother was not a timid one)

If the Gemini man does not have any beliefs that hinder your union, and he is comfortable with you, then these tips should help you.