Essay on how I can be useful to the company. What useful and necessary could you offer the company? “Because I am a valuable employee!”

Possible interview questions:

“What can you tell us about yourself? »

Tell me To the HR manager, what education do you have, please provide your work experience. Unless you are asked to add anything else, there is no need to say anything else.

“Why should we take you?”
State that your qualifications meet the stated requirements. Your salary expectations do not exceed the level of the specified vacancy. You want to start productive work as soon as possible.

“Have you received any other job offers?”
Your authority will increase if you say that you have received other offers, but they are not interesting to you. Say that you want to work for this company.

“How will you behave if a conflict situation arises at work?”

Say that you are not a conflict person and therefore you will defend your opinion only in matters on which the success of the entire business depends. And if the issue is not so important, then you are ready to make concessions.

“How do you spend your leisure time?”

“How do you see yourself in a year, three, five and ten years?”
A person who is not purposeful and lacking initiative will say that he did not think about it. And a person focused on success will readily talk about his planned professional growth.

For example, tell us that in a year you plan to take advanced training courses, in five years you will receive a second higher education, in ten you plan to become a specialist of the highest level in your profession.

“What do you know about our company?”

This question tests how lazy you are. Are you interested in work or do you only need a high salary? Therefore, before going for an interview, be sure to check out the company website. Praise the company and in no case belittle its achievements and advantages.

For example, say that the company was founded in 1995. It is a supplier of telecommunications equipment. Over the years, the company has established itself in the market as a reliable and responsible supplier. This will be quite enough.

“Are you a punctual person?”

Before you give an answer, remember if you are late for the interview.

1. If you arrived on time, then say that you are punctual.

2. If you are late, it’s better to say that you are trying to be punctual, but today, unfortunately, you were late for the interview.

“Tell me about the worst manager you ever worked with”
Resist the urge to pour out all the accumulated negativity and talk about what a terrible manager you had at your previous job.
Tell me that you were lucky in this regard, and you cannot call any of your former leaders truly bad.

“Why are you looking for a job that is not based on your education (specialty)?”
Say that you are disappointed in your choice of profession. Everyone can make mistakes, and no one can be sure in advance that their actions are correct. Then add that now you are expanding your horizons and want to try yourself in a new field.

« How much do you want to earn?

Questions like this have several purposes:
1) find out whether the person is oriented in the situation on the labor market. This is an additional indicator of how well a person understands the business he is doing.
2) an additional opportunity to check what motivates a person to work (one will begin to list the expected expenses and increase the amount, the other will name the average level that suits him and add that he is more attracted not by the monetary advantages of this work, but, for example, by the schedule or growth prospects).
3) if the candidate is satisfied with the amount lower than the maximum the employer is willing to pay, this makes it possible to either save money or offer the person more if he really likes him, but is unsure whether to accept the offer.

Name the average salary level that suits you.

“If we hire you for this position, what will be your first steps?”

The question is often asked to candidates for management and administrative positions. It is necessary to show that such situations are familiar to you, and you know how to take the initiative. You should not immediately propose changes if you have not had the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the state of affairs in detail.

Say that you will first of all analyze how processes are going in the company at the moment. And only after that will you make decisions about changes, if they are needed.

“What should your boss be like?”

By asking this question, the HR manager aims to find out whether you are prone to conflicts with your superiors or not. Say that, in your opinion, the boss should be a strong leader and a highly qualified specialist from whom I could learn.

“Why did you even come here?”

React calmly, as if you were asked to talk about your skills that could be useful to the company you are applying for.” Talk about what you can do for the company if you become an employee.

“You had a break in your work experience, what were you doing all this time? Couldn't find a job?

Say that you temporarily worked as a freelancer, working on your own projects. Now, you want to get a permanent job.

"Sell me a pen"

“Why were you fired from your last job?”

Say that you have reached the maximum level at your previous place of work, but moving up turned out to be impossible due to the lack of vacancies. You abandoned the artificial position, created specifically for your retention, because it was not promising. Add that you want to develop and learn new things.

Always say only good things about your previous employer.

“Why are you still not married?”

Say that, unfortunately, you have not yet met the one with whom you would like to spend your whole life.

“What are your shortcomings? What are your weaknesses?

The question is complex and ambiguous. The answer to this question is given in a separate article: “Should I indicate my shortcomings in my resume? »

“How much do your parents earn?

Say that your parents have a small stable income, which is enough for them.

“Are you happy in your marriage?”

Say that you are happily married and that your spouse is a wonderful person.

“How often do you lie?”

I try never to lie, which is what I demand from others.

“What actions did you take at your previous job that led to the collapse of the company?”

If you react negatively, the employer may assume that you are sensitive to criticism. You can joke that the company stopped working properly when you left. Or say that the company has strengthened its position in the market during your work.

“How many coins must be placed on top of each other to reach the moon?”

Say that you don’t know the exact number of coins, but you know how it can be calculated. You need to divide the distance from the earth to the moon by the thickness of the coin.

“Rate me as an interviewer on a scale of 1 to 10.”

Purpose: Questions like these test the applicant’s courage.

Most often, such a proposal causes confusion. Say that overall the interview went well, but you rate the interviewer a solid 8 because you didn’t like the personal questions or weren’t asked questions that you would like to hear.

“Have you ever stolen pens or pencils at work?”

Be honest. Say that sometimes you take pens from work and that you will most likely continue to do so. What else are they needed for?!

« How long do you plan to work with us?»

Say that in order to answer this question, you need to work a little at the company to understand whether this job is right for you. Are the problems you have to solve interesting, is there a good atmosphere in the team. If everything goes well, then our cooperation will last as long as the company needs me.

We talked about how to competently structure your answer to the question: “Why should we hire you?” However, employers also like to ask: “Why do you want to work with us?” R Head of career services HeadHunter Marina Khadina will tell you how to prepare for this question .

The response strategy is to first assess what distinguishes this proposal from the rest (the content of the tasks, the period of development of the company, corporate policy, the complexity of the tasks, etc., including location).

Here are some examples of answers to this question:

1. I have a serious mathematical education, I like to implement such research. I had a similar experience at NN. I will happily return to this kind of work, but at a new level.

2. This job is an ideal continuation of my professional career. There is a successful combination of different areas of activity (specify which ones), in which I have experience at different periods of my career (transfer). This is a unique opportunity to make the most of what you have and benefit the company.

3. This is not the only opportunity I am considering, but your company is the only place where my qualifications will be fully in demand. In particular, as an HR manager, I have special knowledge in the field of mass recruitment, and it is in your company that this will be in great demand. In addition, the task implies the need to organize remote hiring management. This will be a growth area for me. This is the kind of work I will look forward to every morning.

4. I am interested in this particular vacancy because... it most closely matches my experience, combining both sales and marketing. As I already mentioned, at my last job I achieved an increase in sales in a new channel for the company by more than 25%. In addition, the team of professionals with whom I will work made a huge impression on me.

5. I have a clear understanding that your company is a company where I can do a lot of useful things right now. We discussed plans to launch new business lines in the coming year. I want to be part of the team during a period of such growth.

6. I won’t hide my interest in this position with you. (for example, accountant), because firstly, this work is 99% familiar to me, which will allow me to quickly understand and start working, and secondly, I will be as motivated as possible, because The company's office is located near me. It is a great success to get a combination of interesting work and work close to home.

It is important to know that modern recruiters, along with the professional qualities of their employees, greatly value such a thing as loyalty. All other things being equal, your genuine interest in the company can work in your favor and set you apart from the other candidates. There is a service on HeadHunter specifically for such purposes: with its help you can always let the company of your dreams know about you.

Good luck with your interviews!

How to answer the question in the questionnaire: how can you be useful to our company and why should we hire you? and got the best answer

Answer from Vikulka[guru]
I will strive through my actions in the company to bring it closer to its goals, and together with the company to implement them. It is I who will develop and grow together with the company, working for its benefit.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to answer the question in the questionnaire: how can you be useful to our company and why should we hire you?

Answer from User deleted[guru]
This is a terrible question; it always baffles me personally. Praise yourself, scare off potential superiors.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
I have THESE (list) skills and abilities that distinguish me favorably and that correspond to the profile of the company (firm). I hope with their help to bring tangible benefits to the company (company) with my work.
for example like this :-))
Good luck!

Answer from AniTai[guru]
You can answer simply: I can be useful because I have a great desire to work in your company, and accordingly, I will do the work with desire, which means that the work will be done with high quality!

Answer from Oganes[guru]
If this is a serious company. This is a catch. Modesty test. Try to avoid this answer or answer with maximum modesty. But at the same time without humiliating your capabilities. I told you a secret))

Answer from Andrey Smo[guru]
the question is complex and is being asked for a reason... write to me tomorrow by email - I’ll consult with my aunt - she’s good at this... well, I think you should write that you are young, active, easy to learn, and most importantly, ready to make an effort all efforts to the prosperity of the company in which you work, since you yourself are interested in working in a stable and developing company and you understand that first of all it depends on the work of the employees... well, in general, something like that) write tomorrow - I’ll definitely consult and I'll send you a normal answer...

Answer from AleS[active]
write: EVERYONE! You won’t get such a chance again, take it while it’s warm, otherwise I’ll go to a competitor, I’ve been calling for a long time... but I don’t really want to go to them, I want to come to you, you’re dear...

Answer from Baby[expert]
I am proactive, executive, purposeful, I respect the interests of the company and I believe that I can accomplish any task assigned to me.

Answer from Atalea_principes[guru]
Remember all YOUR personal qualities that are beneficial for the company... It’s better to make a list in advance))) Use previous experience... What were you usually praised or not praised for (don’t write this accordingly)...

Answer from Milkyway[guru]
We don’t know what company you are applying for or what position. From this and dance, the main thing is to praise yourself, present yourself from the best side, list the useful qualities that you possess and which may be useful to this company in this position.

Answer from Dmitry[guru]
It depends on the direction of work. Describe your achievements, consider the projects you have developed, describe your positive qualities, but do not overdo it. Good luck

Answer from Maria Volkova[guru]
and here you need to talk 1- about your special education
2- about extensive experience in this field (like I know everything here)
3- about your communication skills
4- about your achievements
5- about your aspirations
In short, without me your company will simply go bankrupt!

Answer from User deleted[guru]
example - because I need money and I’m ready, etc.

Answer from Aysan[master]
I want it that way.
I like to be useful to other people. It's so neat.

Answer from [email protected] [guru]
praise yourself to the fullest

Answer from CroWHunteR[guru]
because your company is ideal for me and I will do everything (within the bounds of decency) for its prosperity!

Answer from User deleted[guru]
“How why? I’m the best!”

Getting a job is like taking an exam at school or university: you are asked a bunch of tricky questions aimed at understanding whether you are suitable. The “wrong” answer can derail the interview and ruin our hopes.

We've compiled expert tips to help you successfully navigate the pitfalls that are common in job interviews.

  1. 1.

    “What do you know about our company?”

    This is a typical question to start any interview and is also a good opportunity to show your interest in the company and position. Consultants recommend that you first study information about the company through the Internet, newspapers and friends.

  2. 2.

    “What can you tell us about yourself?”

    World Labor Union youth service experts say this question is usually asked at the beginning of an interview and is used to gauge a candidate's reaction. The first few seconds are crucial and you should use them to convincingly demonstrate that you are the most suitable candidate.

  3. 3.

    “Why haven’t you worked for so long?”

    Joyce Lane Kennedy, a human resources expert at AOL, warns that the recruiter is asking this to find out if there's something wrong with you, if you're having relationship problems, or if you're just unlucky. This question is usually accompanied by a second part: “Why did you leave your previous job?” Be honest and explain why you left your last job.

  4. 4.

    “What can you give to our company?”

    Now is the time to mention specific skills that you can use on the job based on your experience and training. Tell us more about your knowledge, leadership skills, and accomplishments in your professional background that are relevant to the position you are applying for.

  5. 5.

    “What do you think of the previous boss?”

    Be careful with your answer. It’s better to bite your tongue and answer politically correct, not very critically, otherwise they may think that you are a confrontational and unfriendly person.

  6. 6.

    “Do you have any friends in our company?”

    Admit it if one of the company’s employees sent your resume to the HR department. If you know someone who has nothing to do with your candidacy, only mention it if you are sure that he has a good reputation within the company.

  7. 7.

    “Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?”

    The answer depends on the job you choose, although, according to BST, “the independent work of each employee suits the company better.”

  8. 8.

    “How do you work under pressure?”

    Be professional and explain that stress is not a problem, it is part of any job. Share how you deal with difficult situations and what strategies you have for relaxing. To support your words, give an example of a stressful situation that you were able to successfully handle.

  9. 9.

    "Do you have any questions?"

    Now is your time to ask questions. The interviewer gives you the opportunity to dispel doubts and ask about the specifics of work within the company. Be careful not to appear too nosy.

  10. 10.

    “How much do you want to earn?”

    This is the million dollar question. Anyone who has been interviewed understands that sooner or later the conversation will turn to money. This is a typical trap question. If you answer the question and name the amount, you will always doubt that you sold yourself too cheap. So it’s better to let them say how much they are going to pay and show that they are ready to negotiate.

When you go for an interview, you will be asked about your experience and skills. But are you ready to clearly say why the company needs you and why you are better than other candidates?

“Let me tell you what I could do for the company as part of my future position.”

1) This is the best answer, but only on the condition that in subsequent sentences you do not describe the process (for example, “I will come to work on time, I will build friendly relationships,” etc.), but focus on a specific and the measurable result that the employer will receive from you. In this case, you do not come to ask for money, status, salary - you offer specific solutions to specific problems of the employer, and in this case the salary is a well-deserved reward for the result.

2) Good answer. This is almost ideal. I see that the employee is trying to realistically assess his abilities, trying to see feedback on how he understood it. The employee is company-oriented and is not afraid to express ideas. There is potential both as an employee and as a creative.

“I can bring real benefits to the company”

1) In fact, the employer is not so important what knowledge, skills and abilities you have, what matters to him is how you can apply them and what exactly you can do for the company. It would also be good to clarify what this benefit will be expressed in - for example, “I will be able to increase sales” or “I will be able to improve awareness of your brand.” In addition, such an answer speaks of you as a result-oriented person who understands the essence of doing business.

2) The answer is only good if the candidate can justify exactly what benefit he will bring to the company. He must tell what knowledge and skills he has to achieve his goals and how this will help, for example, attract new clients, or generate additional profits, or reduce existing costs.

“I have the knowledge and experience needed for this job.”

1) This answer shows that you meet the formal requirements. But imagine that other candidates might have the same knowledge and experience. You need to show the employer why they should hire you, in other words, show your competitive advantages and value. In addition to relevant knowledge and experience, many companies also pay attention to the candidate’s compliance with the corporate culture, his personal qualities, and motivation.

2) Offering your resources to solve the employer’s problems is a good approach. But are you sure that you know the situation within the company, the requirements for the position, the personal wishes of the manager so well as to be able to report with such confidence that you have everything you need? That is why interviews exist, when not only knowledge and experience are assessed, but also how well a person meets the internal conditions for a given position.

“I am very hardworking, punctual and stress-resistant”

This is not an answer to the question. Of course, hard work, punctuality and stress resistance are important qualities, but they do not determine whether a person is suitable for a position or not. This is rather an addition, and is based on a person’s competence, knowledge, motivation and understanding of how to solve business problems. In addition, each position has its own priorities, and it happens that truly hardworking and punctual employees lack the creativity that is necessary in their work.

“I have long dreamed of a job in which I could realize myself most fully, and I believe that this is just such a job.”

Self-realization, of course, is of great importance for the candidate, but the employer is primarily interested in the employee solving the tasks assigned to him. The applicant needs to show that his self-realization is based on fulfilling assigned duties and achieving set goals, which, in turn, will contribute to the development of the company.

“Because I am a valuable employee!”

1) In this answer I hear the message: “There is no one better than me, if you don’t take me, you will make a terrible mistake.” Attack of threat. If you are so valuable, then why didn’t you stay in your previous position?

2) Personally, I don’t like very arrogant people. I don't like this answer. Such a person cannot always objectively assess not only himself, but also the surrounding situation. He may assess it incorrectly and not be prepared for force majeure. Better to underestimate than overestimate.

“Because I really need this job.”

1) The employer is not interested. The company has its own tasks, and you will be hired to solve them. Even if you really really need this job, don't lose your dignity. You shouldn’t say that this is your last chance, but you shouldn’t talk down to him either. The best option is to take the position of a partner and discuss what you and the company can give to each other.

2) Such an answer does not characterize the candidate from the best side. Most likely, the applicant is unemployed and has a difficult financial situation, so he is interested in any employment. It is clear that he just needs to wait out difficult times. He will not stay long in the company and will look for a more profitable place of work.

Daria Vakhrusheva, Andrey Kurtsev
Based on materials from Trud